Fostering intentional dialogue for change oriented communities.

Fostering Intentional Dialogue for Change Oriented Communities.

The Conversation Workshops is a creative and brave anti-racism curriculum that teaches ways of responding to the systems of racism we all experience.

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Where this works:

  • Corporate offices

  • community or social groups

  • churches

  • schools or school districts

  • private homes 

  • groups of friends

Sound like an experience you'd like to organize for your pre-existing community? Use our contact page to begin. 

The Workshop

The Conversation Workshops is a one-day training that walks participants through three parts: intentionality, dialogue, and community. Each part respectively is designed to help attendees confront their own implicit biases, practice a dialogue style for engaging difficult conversations, and engage their pre-existing communities with positive change. Ultimately, The Conversation Workshops are a safe place for participants to respond to systemic racism and racial bias with people they already have relationships with and community connections to.

It is our vision to create change from the grass-roots level up by empowering participants with useful reflection, information, and strategies for our current climate.

Feel like you need to know more? Check out more details about our curriculum.


kind words from past participants


"I feel this workshop will be therapeutic for the community. I don't ever remember having a public space where issues like these could be discussed and processed safely. I think this is a necessity in all communities. Otherwise where would people go to release their feelings, frustrations and heartbreak? They can now come here."

Lisa said

"The Conversational Workshop made me expand my views on how racism and discrimination impacts other social groups. This workshop was different because it provided the necessary vocabulary that is needed to begin conversations about racism."

Cece Said

"The best lesson I learned from the workshop was that change can happen through mutual respect and vulnerability; that confrontation can be a loving exchange, and that our stories may be the key to our neighbor's transformation. The workshop will have a major impact on communities. It will give people and groups tools to deconstruct injustices. It will give us common language we will need in order to move forward, better."


Kim said

"It's extremely important in this political climate, as the eyes of non-POC people are being opened to the injustices in the everyday lives of people of color. Whether you're a person of color, an ally, or just have questions, there's a place for everyone to enter into a healthy, honest conversation with someone."

Kori Said

"This isn't just for someone who is new to the race conversation. Attending a Conversation Workshop is a remarkable way to learn how to engage in crucial conversations with someone you know and love, and with someone you may disagree with—which sometimes can be the same person."

Anna Said

"I was surprised by how much I enjoyed writing out, meditating on, and discussing past relevant experiences and stories with the others in my group. Although I had thought about those moments before, really focusing on them, and putting them into words, helped me to see how these past experiences had shaped my own conceptions of race, class, justice, etc."


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